Written on 08/25/2022
Deloris Williams

Creating Your Legacy

Divine Connections Inspirations

Each of us is creating a legacy. It’s a fact! The question each of us should ask is, “What do I want my legacy to be?” Creating and achieving our desired financial legacy is no different than any other part of our life. Our legacy will reflect the sum of the choices we’ve made daily.

It’s that simple. We can’t change the past and tomorrow never comes. We only have today. We can dream, write down, prioritize, and identify the steps needed to achieve our dream. If you’ve not done this before, do it today. Create your prioritized list of future events that reflect your desired financial legacy.

Write it down and post it where you can see it each day. Next, identify the small steps that must be done daily to make your dream a reality. Take it one day at a time. Celebrate each success. Remember, achieving your desired legacy, a legacy of proud achievement and success will be based on doing daily the small daily activities that you identified. Repeating the same seemingly small routine creates a habit that will the basis for taking your next step.

Too many of us believe that either achieving our legacy is based on us getting that big break in life or we’ve waited too long and there’s not much we can do. We think we’re too old to start creating our legacy. Frequently, those who get their ‘big break’ started years earlier by putting by taking small little steps one day at a time. This enabled them to take advantage of the ‘big break’ when it came. It’s never too late to start. Frequently, those who are older have the ‘wisdom’ of life experiences enabling them to build on the wealth of past experiences that can’t be taught in school. Each day and with each step we take and repeat, we’re creating a new habit bringing us one step closer and just as important, we’re a living example of persistence and encouragement that will be remembered and copied by those around us.

Small changes really do bring big results. A great book to read that shares personal stories regarding how seemingly small changes bring amazing results is ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear. Once you start reading, you won’t want to put it down.

Today, start bringing your future into your present! If you need a little help, visit my website and purchase, ‘Start Living Your Dreams’. Use the templates to price and prioritize your dreams, capture your monthly spending, discover the money you can keep by making additional payments on a loan and create a template for creating weekly action plans.


To learn more about how to keep your money working for you to YOUR benefit, please visit, my YouTube Channel, CashMap Consulting, and follow me on Instagram at denniswilliamscashmap. You’ll get safe innovative ideas how you can use more of your money to keep more, save more and achieve what’s most important to you sooner than you ever thought possible.